Hi, I'm Cia!
For as long as I can remember, people have come to me with their problems. I was fascinated by philosophy and psychology at a very young age. I was searching for answers, trying to understand what the hell was going on in my world. I did not turn to God; I felt I had been ignored and betrayed by him.After some years of what seemed like devastating choices, still only in my early 20's, I discovered the world of holistic health. This expanded my awareness which thankfully lead me to spirituality. There followed more years of poor choices and their consequences, driving me to want to know myself more deeply. Today I am happy to find myself with a rich spiritual life; studying and soaking up the findings of the more contemporary scientific community of neuroscience, heart coherence studies, quantum physics, epigenetics and brain plasticity. This all corroborates what I have known intuitively for so long, I feel affirmed and supported by my own essential self and my healing path!
Therapy and Coaching Broucher
I specialize in Stress Reduction and Trama Healing
through Deep Understanding and Compassion.
I assist with issues of:
Relationship Dishormony
Depression and Anxiety
I am committed to this work, I have good success in relieving anxiety in just one session, I have helped people with Hypertension, lowering blood pressure readings in just one session as well. I have been in practice for over 25 years in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ready to make a change in your life I am here to help.
You can Choose To Be Happy Now.
Evidenced Based Heart and Neuroscience Informed Therapy
I have developed a personal practice of heart coherence, you may feel a calming upon entering my office. In the privacy of my sessions, you may experience the use of the Inner Balance trainer. I have clients who have been delighted to see in real-time the effects and power of their thoughts, feelings and emotional energy. I provide the Em-Wave Pro, HeartMath's software, a technology tool that takes an assessment of current HRV states and other training processes as well. My background as a certified hypnotherapist blends beautifully with the HeartMath tools and techniques. I emphasize attention to the Heart space, somatics and cultivating life enhancing energetic resources. I teach breath-work, which I have practiced for many years. HeartMath science shows us that we are living through our physiology; this information can allow easier release of the limiting Self-Blame and Shame often attached to our anxieties, phobias and dis-eases. I am grateful to HeartMath for their understanding and connection of deep spirituality and cutting-edge science. "Breathe from the Heart, Live from the Heart."
In my therapy practice, I work primarily from my highly developed intuition. My own Hypnotherpeutics; focuses on the breath; quiet, stillness and inner honesty and being in the body. Many people have little sense of their bodies, "You can't heal what you don't feel". This system brings the heart into coherence and balances the brain. I assist clients in understanding their nervous system and how to develop resilience. I work as a bridge; supporting the client from fear and resistance to trust and faith. My background includes: traditional psychology, hypnosis, energy work, somatics, bodywork, nutrition, ministry and trauma healing. I am currently completing a three year program with the , Somatic Experience Trauma Healing Institute for Somatic Trauma Healing Practitioner certification. I am now studying with the HeartMath Institute as well. I have developed a method called, the L A Hug, a love and acceptance, deep healing method. My work is important to me, You are important to me. You can live a life of peace and joy. I invite you to begin today.
Professional Experience
Choose to Be Happy Now
Hypnotherapist, Intuitive, Transformational Therapy, Hypnosis,
Sound Healing & Psychic/Energywork
Health & Happiness Events
Program Director
Past Affiliations
Choose Holistic Partner Referral Collaborative
Meetup East Bay Meditation and Spiritual Awareness
Magnificent You
Women's Consciousness Oasis
Health Medicine Forum
Board Member, Outreach Coordinator
Education & Licenses
I am currently completing my Somatic Experience Trauma Healing Practitioner training; a three year program. I have also been studing with the HeartMath Institute for the past 6 years.
Somatic Experience Trauma Healing
Practitioner Certification
National Holistic Institue
Certification Acupresure and Nutrition
Donsbach University
Holistic Nutrition Consultant
Hypnosis Clearinghouse
Certified Hypnotherapist
HearthMath Institute
Heart Math FacilitatoInterventions Practitioner